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When It Is Time to Bid Farewell to a Loved One


It’s tough to watch a loved one battle an illness. Looking at them and knowing that they’re too weak to conquer and win the battle. It’s painful, it’s long, and it makes you feel helpless.

Entering end-of-life care provided by a congregate living facility in California can offer the patient and their family comfort and support as well as- the opportunity to say goodbye, something that so many others are not able to do.

If you’re wondering what to say to your loved one, here are a few suggestions from Grand Villa Congregate Living Health Facility, your trusted provider of subacute nursing care.

  • No Need for Words
    You don’t have to say anything to say goodbye. Holding your loved one’s hand or kissing them on the cheek can bring comfort to the grieving.
  • Speak from the Heart
    Hearing is the last sense to go. So, speak from the heart, even if your loved one seems to be unresponsive. They can still hear what you are saying.
  • Don’t Wait Until the Last Second
    Don’t wait until their last breath to say what you need to say. Do it now.

Our skilled nursing facility does not only provide the best healthcare services, but we can help you prepare for the worse. Anything may happen during our loved one’s road to recovery. But we assure you that we will be every step of the way. We will do our best to keep them in their optimum condition.

We pride ourselves on providing top-quality healthcare in Clovis, California. If you or anyone you know needs elder care and skilled nursing assistance to help monitor their medical treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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