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4 Wound Care Tips You Can Use for Your Loved Ones

4 Wound Care Tips You Can Use for Your Loved Ones

Wounds are caused by a number of things. These include the following:

  • incisions resulting from surgeries
  • cuts and wounds caused by accidents
  • pressure sores or ulcers
  • injuries to the skin
  • deep burns

While the body typically has its own natural healing process, receiving subacute nursing care in California is necessary for extensive wounds. This will help speed up the healing process or kickstart such a process when the body is unable to do so by itself.

Families may opt to have their loved ones receive such care from a congregate living facility in Clovis, California. In this environment, their conditions are monitored better and they are cared for better, too. Family members like you may also follow these tips when tending to the wounds of your loved ones.

  1. Keep the wounds clean and dryDirt and moisture may increase the chances of getting an infection. Make sure to clean the wounds with water and soap. Pat the wound dry with a clean towel, too.
  2. Change wound dressings as often as necessaryFresh wounds often get wet in just a few hours. Since you have to keep them dry, you will have to change the wound dressings as often as necessary. Never let your loved ones’ wound dressings get soaked.
  3. Consider pain medicationsWounds can often result in a certain level of pain. If the pain becomes intolerable, consult with the doctor first. They can prescribe a painkiller for your loved ones accordingly.
  4. Watch out for signs of infectionsYour loved ones may have troubles with physically checking their own wounds. Help them out by monitoring their wounds. If there are signs of infections, make sure to report them to the doctor immediately.

For extensive wounds, consider a skilled nursing facility where qualified and trained nurses can look after your family members’ conditions better. Contact Grand Villa Congregate Living Health Facility to know how we can assist you further.

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